Luke Lipski
A generalist, wild-card creative. If you believe in personality tests, I'm a rebel instigator Scorpio.
Others have called me a 'Thinking Designer' and 'A Jack of all Trades'
Facebook ■ BMW ■ Adidas ■ ITV ■ DeBretts ■ JLL ■ Ocado ■ MSC ■ Bud Light ■ Credit Suisse ■ SKY ■ KPMG ■ THIS! ■ South African Tourist Board ■ Quibim ■ Telespazio Vega ■ Momentum ■ Anglo American ■ The Big Game ■ and more...
My skills
Pitch Deck Design ■ Illustration ■ Graphic Design ■ Infographics ■ Branding ■ UX/UI ■ Visual Mockups ■ Character Design ■ Creating & Communicating Briefs ■ Content Direction
These skills are secondary but earned through years of diverse working practice:
Copywriting ■ Content Management ■ Video Editing ■ Film Production ■ Concept Sketching ■ World Building ■ Script Writing ■ Blogging ■ Newsletter Creation ■ Written Reviews ■ Report Writing ■ Running Workshops ■ Audience Defining ■ Developing Tone of Voice ■ User Journey Mapping ■ Prototyping ■ Wireframing ■ Testing ■ Storyboarding ■ Simple Animation ■ Location & Prop Sourcing ■ Casting ■ Website Management ■ Using CMS ■ Researching ■ Creating Surveys ■ Competitor Analysis ■ Market Analysis ■ Map Design ■ Managing Creatives ■ Commissioning Content ■ Content Scheduling
Some software I am familiar with

My attitude
For me nothing is boring, there's something interesting to learn from every project and every situation.
I love to step back and understand the bigger picture, discover new ideas, directions and solutions but I am not happy unless I can get hands-on and drive things forward in person.
Loyalty is important to me, as is honesty and being straight-forward. I love breaking the right rules but believe in upholding others.
People make or break every endeavour, so I thrive on getting to know and understand people, exploring my empathy towards them. Everyone has a story or something to teach me.
My own energy allows me to inject enthusiasm into people around me and kickstart new projects and those that have become stale.
I love to step back and understand the bigger picture, discover new ideas, directions and solutions but I am not happy unless I can get hands-on and drive things forward in person.
Loyalty is important to me, as is honesty and being straight-forward. I love breaking the right rules but believe in upholding others.
People make or break every endeavour, so I thrive on getting to know and understand people, exploring my empathy towards them. Everyone has a story or something to teach me.
My own energy allows me to inject enthusiasm into people around me and kickstart new projects and those that have become stale.
my references