Ideal Factory have a truly brilliant vision to allow design savvy customers to create their own product. But successfully communicating this beautifully simple idea so that the complexities of its innovation came across clearly was quite a challenge. In 2016 Ideal Factory were entering in the VOOM2016 competition, so we began by writing a pitch for their entry to communicate what Ideal Factory is to judges potential voters. Below is what we came up with.
Ideal Factory got through the first round of public votes. Using our written statement and supporting the pitch on social media, I helped get the required amount of votes to qualify. I then supported the business owner when he went to meet the judges and pitch the business to them in London.
Ideal Factory didn't make it to the finals, but it hasn't had an impact on the progress of the company. They continue to move forward with their products and online design software, and my initial discovery and scoping of their language still sits as the foundation for how they present themselves today. Only now it's much more developed. Visit their website and see how far they've come, and don't neglect to watch their amazing promo video that has taken what we did in the early days to great new lengths.
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