I was contracted to work for Insurance Nexus for 2 months to stand in for their Head of Content and help gather together the disparate elements of the unfinished Connected Insurance Report, turn it around, ensure it was closer to their branding, elicit sign off from the contributors, edit, proof read, restructure and examine for consistency and overall strength of message and subject matter.

This involved liaising with 20 contributors and ensuring they and their companies were happy with quotes and contributions, working with a journalist to correct and commission content, doing redesigns myself to pass onto a designer and working with her to ensure the entire document was of the quality I desired.

I redesigned and created infographics and charts to represent both data and theoretical models.

I enjoyed giving added value by producing an illustration that represented connected insurance claims which was used across social media

Using the illustration, I created a simple animated video using the image to advertise their upcoming conference.